The instructional approach WICOR (Writing Inquiry Collaboration Organization Reading) is implemented throughout all courses at WDE.
Mr. Zodrow and Mr. Tatman have been emphasizing Collaboration with each of their K-5 Physical Education (PE) classes by strategically planning and implementing the regular use of collaborative structures and activities that guide students in focusing on a task, actively listening, and being accountable to each other. One major outcome of their emphasis on Collaboration is increasing each student’s capacity for Sportsmanship.
The WDE PE teachers are completing soccer, football, and bowling units in their classes; since October, they have been focusing on lead-up activities in football, soccer, and bowling. Additionally, students have participated in the Half-mile Challenge. Mr. Tatman and Mr. Zodrow recently began recording times to track each student’s improvement with this half-mile run and have been discussing the results with each student.